Tom Cotton, Department of Defense, Project 2025

Tom Cotton

Risk: Military EscalationBranch: ExecutiveLikely Agency or Office: Department of Defense
Next to Trump, he's the elected official who gets it the most—the economic nationalism. Cotton was the one most supportive of us, up front and behind the scenes, from the beginning. He understands that the Washington élite—this permanent political class of both parties ... needs to be shattered. Steve Bannon on Tom Cotton, November 2017

Tom Cotton, the junior U.S. Senator from Arkansas, is a key figure in Trump’s inner circle, known for advocating the domestic deployment of the U.S. military against American citizens during civil unrest, defending the use of waterboarding, which he claims is not torture, and arguing that Guantanamo Bay detainees should “rot in hell.” He is notably one of the U.S. lawmakers who has received the most funding from the NRA. He was previously shortlisted by Trump for roles like Supreme Court Justice and CIA Director, and is now slated as a potential Defense Secretary in a future Trump administration.

Cotton’s legislative record reflects his hardline stance on national security and defense. He introduced the No START Treaty Act, opposing the extension of the New START Treaty with Russia, a position that aligns with his aggressive approach to nuclear arms control. Additionally, Cotton introduced the Defund United Nations Relief and Works Agency Act of 2024, aiming to defund aid to Palestinian refugees, which underscores his staunch pro-Israel stance.

On domestic policy, Cotton has consistently pushed for conservative legislation that rolls back social progress. He introduced S.J.Res. 101 to disapprove a Department of Health and Human Services rule protecting LGBTQI+ children and the Protecting Equal Opportunity from ESG Act to oppose the integration of environmental, social, and governance criteria in investments. His commitment to conservative values extends to reproductive rights, where he has advocated for a nationwide abortion ban after 20 weeks and sought to overturn Roe v. Wade. Cotton also voted against the Respect for Marriage Act, the Equal Rights Amendment, and reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act.

In immigration, Cotton has been a vocal supporter of some of the most stringent policies, often using fear-mongering and discriminatory rhetoric. He endorsed Trump’s travel ban on Muslim-majority countries, advocated for constructing a barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border, and introduced the “No Visas for Violent Criminals Act,” which allows for the expedited removal of immigrants and migrants convicted of certain crimes. He also co-sponsored the RAISE Act, aiming to drastically reduce legal immigration and prioritize skilled immigrants over those with family ties in the U.S.

Cotton’s unwavering support for gun rights is reflected in his strong ties to the NRA. He is among the U.S. lawmakers who have received the most funding from the NRA. He co-sponsored the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, which would allow individuals with concealed carry privileges in their home state to exercise those rights in any other state, and has opposed restrictions on ghost guns.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Cotton was an early advocate for banning travel from China and promoted the controversial theory that the virus originated in a Chinese lab. His opposition to the Affordable Care Act was evident even before the pandemic, as he argued in 2012 that it was “offensive to a free society and a free people.”

Despite his military service, Cotton has shown a consistent disregard for democratic norms. Early in his Senate tenure, he sent a letter to Iran’s leaders, undermining President Obama’s nuclear negotiations—an unprecedented act of political sabotage. He also received support from hedge funds that profited from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine through commodity speculations.

In June 2020, during the George Floyd protests, Cotton wrote an op-ed advocating for the use of military force to quell civil unrest, which led to significant backlash. He has also consistently mocked Congress’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, dismissing it as spy fiction. Following the 2020 election, Cotton indulged Trump’s false claims that the election was stolen, arguing that Trump had every right to pursue legal remedies. However, despite ultimately rejecting the election lies, he failed to hold Trump accountable for inciting the Capitol siege, instead trivializing the impeachment process by stating that the Senate should focus on other issues.

Cotton remains a daily mouthpiece for Trump’s rhetoric and a leading figure in the MAGA movement within the U.S. Senate.